Adorned by His light
This piece was created while I was facing a hard and traumatic season of my life. There are moments in our life that even as Christians we face low valleys, for me this was a dark chapter of my life. During this time I was grasping on to Gods word to see another day of Life. This was the moment I reliazed I needed to stand firm in God's word to fight back the lies of the enemy. Our mind does not forget trauma, anything can trigger us back to something that caused pain or someone that hurt us.
I fell into a dark place of Fear were my mind felt crippled by the lies of the past.
Have you ever felt fearful? How do you move forward in life? Am I okay?
But God, He came to heal, set us free, and as along as I adorned by heart with His truth, His word made any confusion fade away. His word directed every foot step of my life, and made way pathway in darkness. (derived from Psalm 119:105)
One morning, I began to highlight verses on my bible. In the Bible studies I had preciously attended, the facilitator, my dear friend gave us a paper filled with affirmations of our identity in Christ. One morning I took out the paper and I began to recite and memorize scripture, this became my daily source of strength and guidance. When I came across the scriptures of forgiveness, the Lord lead me to (Ezekiel 16:8), where He began to highlight His grace, love, and mercy towards this bride.
Some of the scriptures he illustrated before my eyes during this time was:
I was created in His image: (Genesis 1:26-27)
He fashioned me and knitted me together in my Mothers womb: (Psalm 139:13:16)
He chose me: (Ephesians 1:4-5,)
He forgave me of all of my sins: (1 John 1:9, 2 Samuel 12:13)
He gives me Rest: (Ex 33:14)
He is my redeemer:( Colossians 1:14)
I belong to Him:(Isaiah 43:1)
I read Ezekiel (Ezekiel 16:8) bought me to place where God showed me the vision behind this design. God in His lovingkindness, and His mercy was with me, and even in all the wrong choices of life, God had been there and he had adorned me for a purpose as I was being knitted in my mothers womb.
As I battled with mind battles, God was there, fighting it with me, guiding and washing my mind. Allowing God to renew my mind was essential for my spiritual growth. During this time, I also learned the importance of what it is to meditate on His word day and night. (Joshua 1:8)
I will leave you with this, if you can’t fight anymore allow him to fight with you. He fights our battles, specially when we face dark seasons of our walk. He is close, He truly is the Lamp and Light. (Psalm 119:105) He has been in every detail of your life and knitting every second of your life, and He will continue to embroider your life until you meet with Him. This is why we embroidered adorned by His light and some of our other items on our website. God truly has adorned you since He thought of you in His mind, before your birth, He has always been stitching you up for His Glory. I pray you always know that you are covered in His Grace, Love and Mercy.