The vision behind the new clothing line of dresses/clothing fashion is all inspired from proverbs 31: 10-31, by faith we have decided to bring to VIDA- LIFE a vision given to us by our creator- God.
The proverbs 31 woman knows her value in the Lord. Her hard work is not what makes her strong and valuable. She is not defined by what others or what the world says. Indeed, she is a wise and hardworking woman.
Her Godly character is defined by God. She carries so many traits, a number of characteristics are displayed throughout this verse, some of them are as follows: she is daughter of the king and she owns it! She has many roles: she is wife, mother, and a servant. She handles many task and responsibilities; she displays honor and confidence while performing her duties. She is proactive prepares/organizes. She is involved in community outreach, and is crafty with her home and business. She comes along side and encourages her husband and does good to him.
As a result her husband praises her. She is respected and loved by her children. She is even an entrepreneur- wow, this woman is very productive .
Even so I love that she dresses well, she knows that she has to care for self, and because she’s home, she doesn’t fall into complacency. She is not lazy!!! Home girl means business!!!
Her looks don’t make her beautiful it’s her inner beauty. Her Godly characteristics that make her stand out.
There is so much about this woman, she is absolutely reputable woman to emulate.
We simply want women to embrace their newness in christ. As women we pick up a garments on daily to dress for the day, therefore, my mother and I want to encourage you to cloth yourself with Gods wisdom on the daily to grow in Christ. Grow in Him by reading His word. Making it daily habit to read the word of God.
As you spend time with your creator, the Lord will strip off things from the past and dress you in His new clothes. An outwardly appearance will reflect who you are in CHRIST making you stand out for His glory!
I leave you with this Daughter of the King, (HIJA de Dios) embrace who you are in Christ and in doing so embrace the Strong and Dignified women the Lord calls us in Proverbs 31:25.
"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."
We pray you continue to lean on God and remained adorned by His light!
****A certain percentage will go towards PRO LIFE organizations to help mothers keep and assist with their babies. ****