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The Women at the Well Story

Writer's picture: Ada MancillaAda Mancilla

Updated: May 4, 2023

This t-shirt was created in September 14, 2019, in state of brokenness, in the process of God mending my broken heart. Through the story of the women at the well, Jesus was showing me that this women was in need of an encounter with a Savior. So I was in need of Him.

I was thirsty, I was tired of feeling like an outsider, I was tired of living my life the way I wanted to live, and I was tired of not being able to fully trust His plans for my life.

The vision was a woman, a well, and butterflies. The Woman at the well is full of shame, guilty, tired of living life from one relationship to another, but in this t shirt she represents a women who humbly meet Her True Husband. The well represents our heart, and it’s a choice, whether we want to drink of the water and partake with Jesus. Again, It’s a choice whether we want to invite him into our heart and allow Him to reign with us forever.

The butterflies represent a new beginning, Christ has always shown me white butterflies whether I’m in a season of joy or darkness, they are very special to me. Jesus met me a year ago and began to show me that I could find comfort, and my heart could be restored only in Him. More than anything this woman found a savior and that’s what I experienced at that season of my life.

In the summer of 2020, we were getting ready to re -launch the shirt in Gold for the one year anniversary. The Lord reminded me that even when our wells become dry, we can be refreshed by sitting with Him. The truth is that we can run too many things, we can run to people to fill the gaps of our heart and to refresh our souls, but only Jesus can refresh our dry wells. He can break those walls and allow His living water to bring us back to Life.

Every time you wear this t-shirt may it be reminder to you, to Run to Him and know that He will refresh you and he will meet you where you need to be met. Because in Him you are adorned by His light.

“But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”

  • John 4:14

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